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Want to know how our program is impacting girls? Listen to what our girls and their parents have to say about Sisters of Nia.

#1 - Ayanna B. - Testimonial
#1 - Ayanna B. - Testimonial
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#2 - Tyhrena - Testimonial
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#3 - Amari - Testimonial
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#4 - Raysheia - Testimonial
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Nia Parent

"Sisters of Nia helped me a lot in so many ways. I was not confident when starting and I didn’t want to go at all, but I am so glad my momma forced me to. I love and appreciate you guys from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much."

Nia Parent

"I enjoyed the fact that I was surrounded by people that looked like me, that related to me, and just really understood me and didn’t judge me. I truly saw myself grow and flourish. My confidence went up tremulously! I am truly thankful for my experience."

Nia Parent

"Sisters of Nia helped me feel better about myself as a person."

Nia Parent

"The staff was loving, caring, knowledgeable, and truly invested in the girls."​​

Nia Parent

"My daughter is  more confident and attempts to make better decisions. She shows pride in herself as a melanin young lady."

Nia Parent

"I enjoyed the events that were held that built more family connections."

Nia Parent

"I have learned to be a bit more patient and to parent more positively."

Nia Parent

"My daughter appreciated the sisterhood and sense of family with the program participants and staff. My daughter's sense of black pride is elevated and the program reinforces our messages about the importance of education."

Mikayla, Nia Alumnae

Being part of Sisters of Nia has given me more positive feelings about who I am and who I can become.

Amari, Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia has impacted my life in many ways, but the most important is teaching me how to live my life with a purpose. It taught me not to let little obstacles get in the way of my goals.

Brittany, Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia made me less shy. I used to not talk at all, but now I am more outgoing and not afraid of speaking out.

Peteoria, Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia has made me a better person. It has made me live my life with a purpose. My self-control and self-esteem are stronger, and I believe in myself more. Sisters of Nia has helped me solve my problems like a responsible young lady.

Maya, Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia taught me to have higher expectations for myself. I used to be happy with a 3.5 GPA but now I am striving for a 4.0.

Stacia, Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia changed my life by teaching me to be a better person, how to act well behaved, and that anyone can be beautiful in many different ways. Sisters of Nia has been the most loving, caring, helpful, fun, active, and smartest group I have ever been in and no one can top that! It really helps you be a better person.

Tyhrena, Nia Alumnae

The lessons I learned in Sisters of Nia taught me that if you’re going to do something, do it all the way, don’t just halfway do it. You have to give 100%.

Bema, Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia changed my life by teaching me so much that I never would have known. I just want everybody to know Sisters of Nia is a blessing.

Raina, Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia taught me how to motivate myself. My grades are the best they have ever been.

Ashley, Nia Alumnae

I am blessed to be part of Sisters of Nia. I have learned a lot about myself and my personality. This program has made me into a confident, beautiful, unique young lady and it has shown me that I can be myself wherever I go. Sisters of Nia is a life changing program.

Jade H., Nia Alumnae

Sisters of Nia changed my life because it showed me that I have a lot of potential and I should use it. I have also learned to use self-control more. Sisters of Nia has boosted my confidence up and showed me how to present myself properly as a young lady. Before Sisters of Nia, I used to think of myself as ugly, but now I know I am beautiful.

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